The cost of prescription drugs is a central reason for nonadherence, even for patients with drug insurance. The Post-Myocardial Infarction Free Rx Event and Economic Evaluation (MI FREEE) trial was a large, national randomized study (n=5,855) conducted in partnership with Aetna that aimed to evaluate the effect of providing full prescription drug coverage (i.e., no copays, coinsurance, or deductibles) for evidence-based medications prescribed to patients who had recently had a myocardial infarction. Full coverage improved adherence, reduced rates of major vascular events, reduced patient out-of-pocket spending and led to non-significant reductions in total health spending as well as the composite outcome of major vascular events and revascularization.
Full prescription coverage versus usual prescription coverage after coronary artery bypass graft surgery: analysis from the post-myocardial infarction free Rx event and economic evaluation (FREEE) randomized trial.
Kulik A, Desai NR, Shrank WH, Antman EM, Glynn RJ, Levin R, Reisman L, Brennan T, Choudhry NK.
2013 September 10