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Image by The-Lore


Medication adherence, defined as the extent to which a person’s behavior corresponds with agreed upon recommendations from a healthcare professional, remains suboptimal. For example, non-adherence in the first year after starting antihypertensive treatment ranges from 30-80%. A key focus on our work is to understand and address this persistent implementation problem. We use a variety of experimental and observation methods that use techniques from  behavioral science, implementation research and machine learning. The following projects are a few examples of our work.

MI FreeE

Post-Myocardial Infarction Free Rx and Economic Evaluation

A randomized controlled trial conducted with a national health insurer evaluating the effect of providing full prescription drug coverage to patients after being recently discharged from the hospital.

Funded by: Aetna, the Commonwealth Fund


Randomized Evaluation of an Intervention for Non-adherence to Frame Outreach using Reinforcement learning for Communication and Engagement via text messaging

A pilot randomized controlled trial of patients with suboptimal diabetes control to evaluate the impact of using reinforcement learning to personalize adherence-promoting text messages.

Funded by: NIH/NIA P30AG064199


Randomized Evaluation to Measure Improvements in Non-adherence from low-cost Devices

A large multi-arm randomized controlled trial conducted with a national pharmacy benefits manager comparing the effect of low-cost reminder devices on medication adherence.

Funded by: CVS Caremark


Study of a Tele-pharmacy Intervention for Chronic diseases to Improve Treatment adherence

A cluster randomized controlled trial conducted with an integrated delivery network evaluating the impact of a multicomponent intervention that used behavioral interviewing, text messaging, mailed progress reports, and video visits.

Funded by: NIH/NHLBI R01HL117918


Targeted Adherence intervention to Reach Glycemic control with Insulin Therapy for Diabetes patients

A randomized controlled trial conducted with a large health insurer evaluating three different targeted multifaceted pharmacist outreach strategies for improving long-term insulin use among individuals with diabetes.

Funded by: Sanofi US


Medication adherence Improvement Support App for Engagement - Blood Pressure

A prospective, randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of a mhealth medication management app on blood pressure and medication adherence.

Funded by: Medisafe, Inc.

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