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Many evidence-based medications do not reach the people who need them. In collaboration with health systems across the US, we develop and test interventions to increase appropriate prescribing and to reduce health disparities, particularly for cardiometabolic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes. We use a variety of methods including pragmatic randomized controlled trials, qualitative analyses and mixed methods designs. The following projects are a few examples of our work.


Reducing Ethnic and racial Disparities by improving Undertreatment, Control, and Engagement in Blood Pressure management with health information technology

A randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of providing electronic health record tools to help reduce health disparities in patients with uncontrolled hypertension.

Funded by: NIH/NIMHD R01MD014874


Use of Construal Level Theory to Inform Messaging to Increase Vaccination Against COVID-19

A randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of messaging explaining "why" and "how" to get a COVID-19 booster vaccination.

Funded by: NIH/NIA P30AG064199


Mail Outreach To Increase flu Vaccination Acceptance Through Engagement

A multi-arm randomized controlled trial evaluating behavioral economics approaches in mailed communications on vaccination rates among 228,000 Medicare beneficiaries.

Funded by: The Laura and John Arnold Foundation


Personalizing Intervention to Reduce Clinical Inertia in the Treatment of Hypertension

A 3-arm pragmatic randomized controlled trial testing pharmacist e-consultation and social norming on clinical inertia in hypertension care.

Funded by: NIH/NIA P30AG064199

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