The prescribing on inappropriate medications to older adults is extremely common in the United States. Older adults are twice as likely as younger patients to be hospitalized because of drug-related problems. Electronic health record (EHR)-based tools are commonly used but have had limited application in facilitating deprescribing in older adults. The Novel Uses of adaptive Designs to Guide provider Engagement in Electronic Health Records (NUDGE-EHR) study is a pragmatic randomized controlled trial using an adaptive study design testing whether designing EHR tools using behavioral science principles reduces inappropriate prescribing and clinical outcomes in older adults. Results of the first phase of this study are anticipated in mid-2024. NCT04284553
Co-Principal Investigators: Niteesh Choudhry, MD, PhD and Julie Lauffenburger PharmD, PhD
Rationale and design of the Novel Uses of adaptive Designs to Guide provider Engagement in Electronic Health Records (NUDGE-EHR) pragmatic adaptive randomized trial: a trial protocol
Lauffenburger JC, Isaac T, Trippa L, Keller P, Robertson T, Glynn RJ, Sequist TD, Kim DH, Fontanet CP, Castonguay EWB, Haff N, Barlev Ra, Mahesri M, Gopalakrishnan C, and Choudhry NK.
Implementation Science
2021 January